~Giving somebody an orange makes them fall in love with you
~If you put milk in your tea before sugar, you may never get married
~If you catch the bubbles in your coffee with a spoon and eat them, you will unexpectedly come into money
~In Brazil and Italy, eating lentils at the New Year will bring good luck for the year
~Giving parsley as a gift brings bad luck (who does that?)
~If you cut open a loaf of bread and see a hole, someone will die soon
~Also, if you don't cut a cross into the top of your loaf before baking, the devil will sit on it and ruin your loaf
~Counting the seeds in your apple will tell you how many children you will have
~If you get an egg with two yolks, it means you will have twins
~Spilling salt is bad luck, but if you quickly throw some over your left shoulder, it will ward off the bad luck
I also made this blog post into a Flickr slideshow. You can view it